
Published Admissions Number

The school admits 90 pupils per year group at First Time Admissions (FTA). This is known as the Published Admission Number (PAN).

Admissions Policies

Please click the links below to view our full admissions policies:

Catchment Area

To view our Catchment Area, please use the button below:

Admissions Events

We hold numerous Open events, some just for families and some with your children, To arrange a visit to the school, please contact the school office via email at

Should your child secure a place at the school, we work closely with your child’s infant/previous school to learn more about your child to enable them to get the best start possible to our school. Families will be then invited to attend pre-transition sessions in the Summer Term before your child starts full time education in our Year 3 cohort in the following Autumn Term.

First Time Admissions

All Discovery Junior Schools have a single start for first time admissions at the start of the autumn term for children aged seven years of age.

Children are offered a school place from seven years of age, the autumn term following their seventh birthday.

Making a First Time Admission Application (FTA)

Arrangements are made in accordance with the Local Authority’s First Time Admissions Coordinated scheme. This means families must apply to the Local Authority where they live using the Common Application Form before the January 15th closing date for submissions.

Families’ who are resident in other areas must apply through their home Local Authority. It is recommended that families also contact the Local Authority which the desired school is located to discuss applications.

Families are encouraged to list three choices of schools on the application form including the catchment school for that area. Contact your Local Authority to find out your catchment school(s). The closing date for first time admission applications is the 15th January (national closing date).

Families will be informed by their Local Authority of the place given to their child on the 16th April (National Offer Day) or the next working day.

The easiest way to apply for a school place at a Discovery Schools is to apply online. To apply online or speak to the Admissions Service at your Local Authority, please use the contact details below:

Priority Criteria

At the point of first-time admission, if there are more requests for places than available, places will be allocated up to the PAN in accordance with the priority oversubscription criteria.

1st A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order.

2nd Pupils that live in the catchment area of the school.

3rd Pupils that have an older sibling attending the school at the same time, regardless of if they live in the catchment area or not.

4th Pupils who have a serious medical condition or exceptional social or domestic needs that make it essential they attend the school requested. (Professional documentation confirming the situation must be submitted with the application).

5th Children of staff at the school.

6th Pupils living nearest to the school measured in a straight-line distance (home to school front gate).

1st A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order.
2nd Pupils that live in the catchment area of the school.
3rd Pupils that have an older sibling attending the school at the same time, regardless of if they live in the catchment area or not.
4th Pupils who have a serious medical condition or exceptional social or domestic needs that make it essential they attend the school requested. (Professional documentation confirming the situation must be submitted with the application).
5th Children of staff at the school.
6th Pupils living nearest to the school measured in a straight-line distance (home to school front gate).

**Full details of the priority criteria can be found in the full admissions policy above.

Mid-Term (In-Year) Applications

Discovery Trust Schools within Leicester City Council participate in full with the Local Authority’s coordinated scheme for Mid-Term (In-Year) applications. Click here to read the full policy outline.

To discuss a visit to our school, please contact the school office. Should you wish to make an application to the school, parents must make an application via the Local Authority where they live using the Common Application Form.

Appeal a School Place

If your child has been refused a place in the school you have applied to, you have the right to appeal against this decision. Appeals to decisions regarding school places are managed by Leicestershire Education Authority. Details, including the timetable for appeals, can be found here.

Merry Christmas!

The school closes on the 20th of December, and the students will return on the 7th January. If you have any safeguarding concerns please call 0116 454 1004.