CSE Awareness

Could You Spot The Signs?

The child sexual exploitation awareness raising campaign ‘Could you spot the signs?’, which is being led by the two Local Safeguarding Children Boards for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, aims to draw attention to the signs of child sexual exploitation and what to do if you have concerns. It targets a number of different audiences including children and young people, parents, businesses and practitioners.

Child sexual exploitation is a form of sexual abuse. Victims are manipulated or forced into taking part in a sexual act, either as part of a seemingly consensual relationship, or in return for attention, gifts, money, alcohol, drugs or somewhere to stay.

Signs of sexual exploitation range from changes in mood, physical appearance and eating, to appearing with unexplained gifts, secretive mobile phone use and regularly missing school.

You may be unsure about whether you’re right to be worried, but it is important that you don’t keep any concerns to yourself.

Visit the Stop CSE Website for more information.

Useful Contacts

Children's Social Care

  • Leicester City Council – 0116 454 1004
  • Leicestershire County Council – 0116 305 0005
  • Rutland County Council – 01572 758407


  • Non Emergencies – Call 101
  • Concerns that a child is in immediate danger – Call 999

Say Something

  • Free and anonymous, 24/7. Provides support and a means to report child sexual exploitation. Run by the charity Missing People.
  • Call or Text 116 000
  •  Say Something Website


  • Free, private and confidential help for young people in the UK.
  • Call 0800 1111
  •  Childline Website

Useful Links

Merry Christmas!

The school closes on the 20th of December, and the students will return on the 7th January. If you have any safeguarding concerns please call 0116 454 1004.